Citizens of the 21st century must be able to summarize the essential elements from a variety of sources, to extract new ideas in order to become leaders and be able…
The Grammar School Nicosia is partnering in the GEM IN project. The purpose of the project “Game to EMbrace INtercultural Education” – GEM IN, supports intercultural education at school and…
The GIGS, ‘Girls Into Global STEM’ Project aims to create materials and establish new methodologies that schools across Europe and the world can use in STEM subjects. The project is…
The EUCiTec Project is a three-year Erasmus+ project based at the University of Hull and is supported by researchers and classroom-based partners from across the EU. The aim of the…
Soci@lls Whole School Social Labs focuses on innovative and participatory approaches for citizenship education and social inclusion ambition. It generates a paradigmatic change in the way schools and communities cooperate…