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Parent Info

Semester Dates

Semester A

09.09.24 Classes Begin
11.11.24-15.11.24 Mid-Semester Break
20.12.24 End of Semester A

Semester B

07.01.25 Classes Begin
03.03.25- 05.03.25 Mid-Semester Break
12.04.25 Easter Holidays Begin
28.04.24 Classes Begin
30.05.25 End of Semester B
TBA Final Examinations

Office Hours

School Administration

September – June
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8.00am – 4.00pm
July & August
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8.00am – 2.00pm

Christmas – Closed
Easter – Closed

Educational Counsellor

If you wish to speak to Ms Maria Photiades, you may call her during school hours or arrange an appointment between 8.30 am – 1.50 pm, Monday – Friday.


Click here to print the list of all Teachers’ Office Hours.

Lectures & Speakers

The Grammar School’s philosophy on education not only emphasizes the active involvement of students and teachers, but also parents.  This approach focuses on the need for a holistic approach to education stressing the importance of a student’s health and well being in combination with their academic development.

As part of practicing this philosophy, both The Grammar School and The Grammar Junior School annually organize a series of lectures focusing on the well being of the child or adolescent within the family and wider social setting.  Guest speakers are all specialists in the professions of psychology, psychotherapy and child psychiatry.  These lectures are organized and facilitated by Ms Maria Photiades, the Educational Counsellor of The Grammar School, and Mrs Agni Photiou, the Educational Psychologist of The Grammar Junior School.

In addition, a variety of other informative lectures are organised throughout the year in connection with events and functions held at the school.  The range of topics includes important issues such as road safety, blood donation, civil defence and military service, environmental and health issues, anti-racism, and anti-bullying just to name a few.  Visiting speakers from a number of universities also address students on both higher education in general and their specific institutions.

Absences and Lateness to School or Lesson

  • Absences are recorded by periods. The maximum total absences accepted by the school is 120 for an academic year. Excused absences are those which are certified by a statement from parents, guardians, or doctors explaining the nature of the absence and approved by the Headmasters. All other absences are recorded as unexcused.Exceeding the limit of absences may result in any of the following:· For Years 1-6: no promotion to the following academic year; the student will be required to repeat the Year, regardless of the academic level of the child.· For Year 7: The Leaving certificate will clearly state that the level of attendance has been unsatisfactory.· For Years 1-7: the student will be asked to be reexamined in September.· The student will not be permitted to attend the Graduation Ceremony.Parents should call and inform the secretary or the school nurse by 9:00 am if their child is not coming to school.If a student must leave school for any reason the parent should notify the school prior to collecting their child.If the student is late coming to school, a “Late Entry Permission” is needed to enter the classroom. If a student comes late to school 3 times in one week, an Out of out-of-school suspension will be imposed. If there is no improvement, the matter will be referred to the discipline committee.

Code of Conduct

Students are expected to:
  • Behave in a polite and friendly manner, showing respect and tolerance for the opinions and beliefs of their teachers and fellow students.
  • Address their teachers by their title and surname.
  • Attend lessons punctually and regularly.
  • Avoid missing school apart from in cases of illness or unavoidable circumstances.
  • Wear the correct school uniform and comply with the rules regarding haircuts, shaving and jewellery.
  • Leave valuables items at home.
  • Not to damage school property. Stealing will not be tolerated

Discipline Policy

Discipline is the responsibility of all teachers and students, whether in the classroom or generally around the school. Incidents must never be ignored and should be dealt with immediately, where possible. In case of misbehavior the following steps should be followed by all teachers to ensure consistency:

Strike 1 – warning, verbal.
Strike 2 – the offence is recorded on the discipline referral form and the student is asked to see the Head of Year the following break.

Head of Year informs the parents and may impose further sanctions (1 day OSS, ISS, SSS). Disruptive and major offences should be referred to the Head of Discipline.

Uniform Policy

If a student is not in proper uniform, or his/her appearance is judged to be unacceptable, the student is asked to see any of the Heads available, as soon as possible. At first offense students will be sent home for the rest of the day. If the student does not report to any of the Heads, as instructed, this will be considered a serious offence of insubordination and the matter is directly referred to the Discipline Committee. Repeated offences are referred to the Discipline Committee for further action.

Serious or repeated offences will be referred directly to the Head of Discipline and/or the Discipline Committee and appropriate sanctions will be imposed according to the categories table.
The Discipline Committee may expel a student from the school if their behavior is deemed inappropriate.

Students with serious and repeated discipline offences in their records may not be accepted for registration the following academic year. At the end of each academic year, the Head of Discipline will bring such cases to the teachers’ body to decide accordingly. The same procedure will be followed for students with a significant number of unexcused absences.

Possible punishments:
SSS – School Social Service
ISS – In School Suspension
OSS – Out of School Suspension

Choice of Elective Subjects

The Higher Education Advisory Team provides guidance to students on choosing their elective subjects. Guidance is given through presentations to both students and parents, class activities on the Unifrog platform and the Elective Choice Booklets students receive in order for them to choose the appropriate combination of subjects for their studies.
More information regarding elective subjects can be found under Curriculum.


Textbooks and e-books for all classes may be purchased from The Grammar School Bookstore. The bookstore also stocks the required school uniform and PE kit.  Grey skirts and trousers may be purchased from a specific local retailer.

Opening Hours – August/September 2024

Monday 26th August – Friday 6th September

8.30am – 1.00pm
2.45pm – 5.00pm


Regular Opening Hours:

During the academic year the bookstore is open 1st and 2nd breaks.

For further information, contact the bookstore.
Tel. 22695695

School Uniform

Official Uniform

  • Jacket (Blazer) – Specially designed for The Grammar School.
  • Shirt – White, plain, long sleeves with white buttons and the embroidered Grammar School pocket badge.
  • For Boys – Trousers – Grey with school badge. Specially designed for The Grammar School
  • For Girls – Skirts – (A line), Grey with school badge, specially designed for The Grammar School, up to 4 fingers above knee level.
  • Tie – Specially designed for the school and only available at the School Bookstore.
  • Shoes – Plain Black.

Physical Education Uniform

  • Tracksuit, T-Shirt and Shorts – Puma sportswear with The Grammar School’s badge and are available only at the School Bookstore.

  • Training Shoes – No bright colours.

Casual Uniform

  • Anorak – Specially designed for The Grammar School, and available only at the School Bookstore.
  • Sweater – Grey with school badge, specially designed for The Grammar School.
  • Polo shirt – White, with short sleeves for the summer or with long sleeves for the winter and embroidered with The Grammar School badge. Available only at the School Bookstore.
  • Zip-up Jacket. Specially designed for The Grammar School with the school’s name. Available only at the School Bookstore. The old black hoody jacket is not allowed.
  • Trousers – Grey with school badge, specially designed for the Grammar School. Girls may wear grey trousers too but not during official functions. Jeans, tight trousers, and leggings are NOT allowed.
  • Girls – Skirts – Grey with school badge, specially designed for The Grammar School, up to 4 fingers above knee level.
  • Scarf: black, grey, dark blue.
  • Shoes – Plain black or black based.

General Points

  • Class 7 students are allowed a pre-approved design/logo on their school white polo shirt and on the school’s zip up jacket. The old black hoody jacket is not allowed.
  • During hot weather, boys may wear grey shorts with school badge, specially designed for the Grammar School, available only at “victuar” clothing shop. The permissible time window will be announced by the School.
  • Nails/Makeup: Girls are allowed to have nails of pale colors (grey, pink, beige) of reasonable length. No excessive makeup is allowed.
  • Boys must be clean shaven.
  • Boys are required to have tidy hair with no shaven designs or spikes. Longer hair should be above the collar at the back, above the eyebrow in the front and not worn in a ponytail.
  • Modest jewelry designed for the ears is permitted. Other facial or visible body piercings is not allowed, this includes tongue and nose piercings.
  • Non-natural hair colours or highlighted hair, extensions and beaded additions are not permitted.
  • Jeans, leggings, tight trousers, and boots are not allowed.
  • Skirts and pants must be worn above the hipbone.
  • During extremely cold weather conditions, students may wear extra layers of clothing under the white polo shirt and the zip-up jacket on top.

Tuition Fees for the Academic Year 2024-2025


Set out below are the details for the insurance cover for students of the Grammar School, on a twenty four hour basis, according to the policy with Universal Life Insurance Company:

  1. Death €2.000
  2. Permanent total disability €20.000
  3. Permanent partial disability (percentage according to disability table) €20.000
  4. Medical and other expenses (hospitalization, blood tests, X-rays, surgery etc) €2.000

For dental treatment necessitated by an accident the coverage for medical and other expenses may not exceed the amount of €200.

In case of an accident the company must be notified in time (within fifteen days from the date of accident), the appropriate form must completed and the necessary documents provided.

For further clarifications and information please contact our insurance agent Mr Yiannos Charilaou at tel. 99663828.

Parents must be informed that, upon the occurrence of a Force Majeure event, the School will use all reasonable ways to lessen the effects by providing education remotely where and if possible. Force Majeure means causes which are unpredictable and beyond the control of the School and which could not have been avoided or prevented. These cases could be war, industrial action, floods, Act of God, epidemic, pandemic or plague, statutory provisions, acts of Government bodies or authorities.

School Trips

Activities outside the classroom have significant benefits for young people and help to bring learning to life. They encourage students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills beyond the classroom, through educational activities. The Grammar School recognises the importance of these experiences, making regular educational and recreational trips within Cyprus and to other countries a valued part of the school curriculum. Students visit archaeological sites and museums broadening their historical knowledge. In addition, visits to areas of natural beauty promote a sense of community as students participate in class picnics and on such trips, students are encouraged to respect the environment.  Group visits are also organised to various local manufacturing concerns to give students an insight into the business sector.




Field trips are arranged by individual academic departments in order to fulfil the educational requirements of their curriculum. On such trips students are assigned appropriate tasks which are closely monitored by their teachers. A number of clubs organise trips periodically during the year to give students the opportunity to further their sporting skills and practical skills in a range of activities, from tree planting to photography.