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Parents & Guardians Association

The purpose of The Grammar School Parents & Guardians Association is to cultivate communication between parents, teachers, students and the administration, while fostering a feeling of community among the parents for the greater good of the school.  The Parents & Guardians Association is an invaluable support to the school and an additional channel through which the school can reach parents.

The Parents & Guardians Association works tirelessly throughout the year providing parents with a programme of lectures and seminars which relate to education, psychology and social issues faced by teenagers and parents today.  They are also very active fundraisers, organizing a variety of events including the annual dinner dance which not only brings teachers and parents together, but also raises funds to help those in need within the school community.  In addition, parents assist in a wide range of school activities and functions.

In recognition of students’ hard work, dedication and academic achievements, The Parents & Guardians Association present awards at the annual graduation ceremony. These prestigious awards are presented to the first ten students who gain a Grammar School scholarship in each year group, as well as the students who come 1st in their class. They also present awards to students with the best IGCSE results and plaques to each graduate at The Graduation & Awards Ceremony.

The SGPA committee is selected each year following elections which usually take place at the beginning of the academic year. All parents and guardians can become members of the association.

Teachers Association

All the teachers of the Grammar School belong to the Teachers Association. A committee of six or seven members is elected annually to represent the teaching staff.  The role of the Association is to work together in communication with the management and Board of Directors on both a social and academic level.

During the year the Association organises numerous social occasions, including a weekend away, to enable teachers to interact outside of the workplace and form closer bonds.

Vice President Andrea Antoniou
Treasurer Stelios Andrianos
Secretary Natalie Petersen
Member Demoulla Sofroniou
Member Katerina Papapetrou

Graduates Association

The Grammar School Graduates Association was established in 1985 and a constitution was drawn up.  Elections for a committee are held every two years.  The Association organises a number of activities and reunions for its members, enabling them to network and socialise together. All Grammar School graduates are eligible to join the Graduates Association and to do so, they should contact the secretary of the association with their details.